Goodbye ASC...In a funny sort of way
ASC has been running for a long time, years and years in fact. I started with a rubbish little website with the first 5 of so comics on there and i was pretty pleased with it. The first comics were done in lectures all starting with the "spinning in the rain" image. Its been a bit of a rollercoaster since then! If you can be bothered reading on, theres a history lesson ahead.
Proud of my 5 stupid little comic and rubbish website i started emailing about to try and get affiliated. I took a gamble and sent one to the guys at They were back within the day saying how they enjoyed the comics but needed a better website, they would certainly affiliate with me. Im not sure if those guys check here anymore, they might have moved on a long time ago. (Hello Zack if you are reading, I might zap you a facebook message). I re-designed the website and it was actually pretty cool. There was a lot there, considering the actual amount of content i had to provide! With my new affiliation and a "big up" on the front news page of ( which was technically my first appearance on google! sort of) came a couple more affiliates and i was getting a few dozen hits a day which was quite frankly amazing! When i set up originally i didnt think anyone would actually visit the website. I plodded on with this, a steady stream of comics filtering out and a steady stream of hits. Google listed the website which was a happy day and the amount of "questions for sonic" was great ( thats a special comic from series 1 if you dont know) I still get the questions and received one about a week ago, that was a lot of fun and i wish i had the time to get them all up there with answers but its all gone a bit pear shaped. Thank you to anyone who has ever submitted a "question to sonic" You have provided me with more amusement than you probably know. I would answer questions as a dim-witted sonic as a permanant position of employment if i could.
One day a website called "Sonic Basement" emailed me saying they would sponsor my comics, i accepted and for a link to their website they had a damn good link to mine. Hits sky-rocketed up to over 60 uniques a day which was phenominal. Good comics done in this time, a happy time! Thanks everyone who sent an "Elkian Lionblood is a whiny bitch" comment. That was a highlight of this whole thing for me. This period of lots of hits, lots of comics and lots of fans went on for a long time! Didnt last though..
After this i got worse with updates, i did some travelling and generally had less time to spend, i decided to make the website into a blog which would be easier to update. The blog was used for comics and for, what i considered, a witty look at current sonic related news. Didnt go down a storm and i got a lot of moaning and complaining about my "negative" view of what was happening with the sonic franchise. I quickly got sick of this and removed all posts that werent comic related from the blog. This seemed to open a window for moaning and people got whiny about the comics themselves! I havent checked the ammount of hits to the site in years but pretyt much assumed they were at an all time low. Deflated, the comic output rate was at an all-time low despite the comics themselves being (in my opinion) at an all time high. Art wise and humor wise.
Since then i have trickled out comics to this blog, at the same time posting them on deviantart. The popularity on deviantart appeared to be so much greater than here on the blog i have decided to completely re-locate to deviantart.
I might be way off the mark and i might still get hits here, but if thats the case then you lot certainly are quiet! Thats where ASC is going though. Its been a hell of a time and I'm sad to be giving in the website but right now, the amount of effort it takes to upload here is a incredible compared to the simplicty of deviantart.
So thats the end, this blog will fade away and will probably point to the deviantart page. ( which, by the way should have comic 14 tommorow!)
Its been a pleasure.
Special thanks to all my affiliates, the fans and the non-fans for giving me something to complain about.
See you on deviantart.
A link to your dA might help a bit =P
Oh... Hi, Andy... *starts crying for real* I don't know what I can say. I'm just completely deflated. I only just now started commenting, and you're leaving. While I'm begging you not to go, this is obviously your decision... and I don't want to keep you from being happy. May I make a couple of requests though? Firstly, can you please leave this webpage up? I mean, I know you may not be around to update it anymore... but I would like to be able to read your old comics anytime, and look around here for old time's sake. Secondly, and this may be a big favor, but can we still comment back and forth between this blog? I can't do it anonymously from Deviantart, and I don't think I'm going to get allowance to make an account there. If you want to leave this blog behind entirely, I understand... These are just requests. However, should you decide to leave this blog permanently, I won't be able to communicate with you anymore; but even if I can't ever talk to you, I'll track your progress on Deviantart. You are still free to use ideas I previously mentioned, if you want to...
Well, I guess otherwise... this is goodbye... I just wanted to say you are off the mark. Any meanie that says your work isn't worthy ought to be smacked and see "Viewer Mail 1". Oh, and I know that updating this website takes a lot of effort, but you once decided against closing it with some nice comments right? Well, here's my plea:
You have a great sense of humor and your comics are some of the best I have ever read. You could not only work for "Archie" but you could beat them. I beseech you, please don't close your website; please don't go... Don't go, and you'll make one "Female" fan extremely happy. I don't care if you only update once a year; I know this all seems mushy and overdramatic, but I seriously mean it! DON'T GO ANDY!!!
...If my plea isn't enough... then I wish you happiness and good fortune, wherever life takes you.
Your loyal fan,
Female Spy
Dont worry there! This blog will not be vanishing and i will not stop checking it! It will stay open as an archive for series 1 so commenting can still be done here and i will still read them.
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