Time freeze! What does google reckon!
Stalling while i decide on a new comic idea, heres a snapshot of ASC's standing among everything at this moment of time, heres what happens when you type Another Sonic Comic into google! ( click it to make it bigger and readable) I suppose hit 1 out of 175'000 hits is alright but....
I suppose its also worth noting that just Sonic Comic gets the site in position 6 and in position 9 is that guys comment slagging off the comic again!! Typical.
Thanks for the all the commenting "Female-spy", I appreciate it! There actually was a comic of "mario and sonic at the olympics" in which Sonic and Tails discovered some drawings Shadow had made of him on the podium with Luigi then shopping for Olympic outfits with Peach. It was good but i buggered up the outlining by using a pen that was too thick, got annoyed and binned it.
Hi, Andy! I'm glad that you appreciate my commenting. Internet searches are weird, aren't they? I'm glad you're noticed several times, though; congratulations on that. My biggest problem with the search engine occurs when I search for something and get websites that are completely unrelated to what I'm looking for (you know, like "Drunk Duck" XD). It's really frustrating. I'm disappointed that you binned your "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" comic; would you please make another one? If you don't want to, I understand. I know what it's like to work hard on something, only for one little thing to mess it up (it happens a lot in my artwork). Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade; or so they say. Anyway, you can still use other ideas I previously mentioned, or come up with better ones of your own. Either way, I can't wait to see your new comic (don't rush, though, I'll be patient). If I ever go a while without commenting, don't worry; I just have a busy home life and, currently, a busy academic life (thank goodness for summer!) and I will get back to comment again eventually.
I'll comment again later alligator,
Female Spy (I'm very wordy)
Good afternoon, Andy! I have more ideas I'd like to share with you. You seem to like making fun of Eggman (like with one of the Sonic Riders comics, and the more recent Tennis contract comic; all pure gold!) so here's more things you can do to get laughs at his expense:
1. Have you ever played, "Sonic Adventure DX Directors Cut" for Nintendo Gamecube? If you haven't, Eggman had a ship called the Egg Carrier in that game. Sure, it had the usual "levels and traps" theme; but if you looked enough, you'll find Eggman's room/living quarters, a pool, and even a chao garden! You could have Sonic characters playing in his pool, hanging out in his room, or all sorts of other wacky ideas!
2. You could also make Eggman seem like a sissy by having him cry over one of his machines being broken; or you can have Sonic catching him play something like Barbie dolls or Polly Pocket on a surveillance cam.
3. You can make fun of his weight by having him break a scale or something. Slightly more obvious, but old classics can be good if performed correctly.
So, here's more ways to torture Eggman when you're in the mood to. I hope these ideas will also help if you ever again have "No Ideas".
I'll comment again after a while crocodile,
Female Spy (I aspire to be a writer)
Hello, Andy, how's everything going? I just wanted to comment again, but I don't have as much to say... so, I'll just throw in more ideas since I enjoy doing so. Hopefully, you enjoy my brainstorming sessions, and can make really good use of some of my ideas. You never did make it clear that Knuckles returned all of the emeralds everyone gave him in that one comic you did (I believe that comic was called "Guardian"; it was the one where Blaze gave him the sol emeralds and he twitched, LOL!). So, you can do a continuation where Sonic is facing an enemy and instead of having a needed chaos emerald, Knuckles gave him a time stone, or another gem by accident. You could also make Knuckles and his island like an emerald bank, where other characters could deposit or collect emeralds (maybe, even, for a price). Those are my newest ideas; I'll have more and better ones for you later.
Later, dude!
Female Spy
Good Evening, Andy! I've had a long day (last minute school events) so instead of the normal brainstorming session, I'm going to give you a comment concerning comics that you have already done. I've given it serious thought, and picked what I think to be the cream of the crop of your work (which is much more difficult than it sounds!). Here are my top picks:
Series 1: 1(SA2 Retold), 5(Nintendogs), 6(Espio Ninja), 8(Shadows Diary), 14(Discovering Shadow), 15(Knuckles Guardian), 16(Fragile), 19(No More Tricks), 25(Sonic R), 26(Shadows Chao), 28(Viewer Mail 1), 32(Itembox), 33(Its a Watch), 35(Amnesia), 36(Stealth), 37(Computers), 39(Dreaming), and 40(No Ideas).
Series 2: 1(Crashed), 2(Halloween 06), 3(Pokemon), 7(Hatching Eggs), 9(Apologies), 10(Confusion), 11(Roleplay), 12(Next Gen), and 13(Hitting the Bottle).
Yep, I have that many favorites. To state it simply, you're great sense of humor attracted me to the site, made it one of my favorite web pages, and now keeps me coming back as a loyal fan.
Keep up the Good Work!
Female Spy (laughter is the best medicine!)
Good evening, Andy! I was just having another brainstorming session, when it occurred to me that you haven't posted a "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" comic yet. You probably have already heard that Sonic made it into the game; you may have even already played it (it's a great game to get if you haven't; do you have a Wii?). Incase you haven't played it, I'll tell you how Sonic participated in the Subspace Emissary storyline. I'm going to try and word this carefully, so that I don't spoil the end of the story for other commenters who may read this post (if I do accidentally spoil it, I'm sorry; for those who don't want to take any chances, please don't read the rest of my comment).
Sonic shows up near the end of the story to "meet" with a mysterious being known as Taboo. You may want to note that Sonic doesn't say a word in this scene, just like every other character who shows up in this game. Taboo has the shape of a mannequin man, minus the clothes, but he isn't too anatomically correct, meaning that you won't see anything you shouldn't. In fact, you don't even see his facial features or any other markings on the rest of his body; he's kind of like a light blue shadow. He also has patterned butterfly-like wings on his back (which Sonic actually tears up to a degree). If I'm not being descriptive enough, try searching Google images for a picture of him. If I'm being too vague in telling you my idea, then maybe a quote from one of your own comics will give you an idea of what I'm hinting at: "Know who my last fight was against? A bloody genie!" Maybe you can make another comic sort of like "Hitting the Bottle"; but instead of it being Eggman like Sonic suspected, it could be someone else (see above, *wink*) who wants to fight him, and make him further aghast at his lack of "real" opponents. ;) Taboo also looks kind of like a "fallen" angel, if you want to work with that. I hope these ideas help you one day! :)
I'll be back to comment later!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy, how are you doing? School days are really long... I just wanted to comment again, but I don't have any new ideas for you. Still, I refuse to comment empty handed, so I found a website where you can find the latest images about the newly leaked game, "Sonic Unleashed". Just go to the following website:
I don't know what kind of web service you have; so depending on such, the pictures may be blocked. Here's some advice for every commenter who reads this post: if you get a blank block with a red "X" in the upper left corner, right click it and, in the small window that comes up, find the option "Show Picture" and click on it (for me, it's the sixth option from the top, but it may vary on other computers). This will most likely unblock the picture where you can see it; occasionally, it won't work, but it usually does. Anyway, Andy, if you want to do a "Sonic Unleashed" comic, and you have little idea what Sonic looks like as a "werehog", there is one artwork image that may help you at the website I mentioned. Maybe you can make a comic where Sonic is the hedgehog equivalent to the human who is the Hulk. ;)
I'll be back later,
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! Again, no more ideas, but check out this image related to "Sonic Chronicles" at the following website address:
*It's an awful lot to type; so for anyone who doesn't know this already, here's a tip: highlight it with your mouse, hit the control and C keys on the keyboard, click where the web address is supposed to go, hit the control and V keys, and then just hit enter. You'll save a lot of time. I learned these hotkeys in computer class: control C is copy and control V is paste (careful, control P is print).
Anyway, isn't the image awesome looking? Maybe it's an unusual combination, but I think Sonic + RPG = complete coolness! I wonder what the "shriek" command actually does... Someone also managed to play a rough demo first hand; if you want to hear what it's like so far, go to this website address:
The game sounds as cool as it looks. I'll keep an eye open for any other information that may exist.
Later, dude!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! Happy 10th comment! Let me tell you: Last day of classes + last minute projects + locker cleanup day + dress up like principal day + Friday = Pure Chaos. Thankfully, all that's left now are my finals. Uh, remember when I said not to worry if I ever stop commenting for awhile? Well, that time might be near. All I know is that my life's about to get busy. Besides a prom coming up, my future summer is also going to get hectic. In one summer I'm going to help my uncle with our dogs (obedience school), try to catch up in my math with a summer class, hit several water parks, and more. On top of all that, I'll probably have to deal with my crazy home life, which entails going back and forth between my two houses; one with no internet service (there is a reason for it, but I could bore everyone to tears with it). Saying that, don't be surprised if you don't hear from me a couple of days, or even a couple of weeks at some point. This may be effective immediately, or I may get lucky and not have such busyness affect me for awhile. Rest assured that, if I ever do disappear, I will come back; and I'll probably think of some great ideas that you can use on my "misadventures". I'll throw in a couple of them now to make reading my comment worthwhile. Fire is often associated with anger; therefore, if you're in the mood to have someone beat up, you could have Blaze set them on fire for some reason (maybe for stealing a sol emerald or something). Blaze is also technically referred to as a guardian, so maybe you can create a comic with Knuckles and her griping to each other about their "jobs". Remember when I mentioned the Egg Carrier had a pool? Having the characters hang out at Eggman's pool could be a way to start a summer comics line if you wanted to. You probably have better ideas, but you're welcome to use my ideas anytime you want; it's your comic, and you've proven that you can take a "No Ideas" situation and turn it into a hit. ;) *Suddenly notices all of the one to three sentence comments* Err, sorry I keep rambling so long in my own comments; I can't seem to control myself. I'll work on it if it's a problem for you.
Have a good evening,
Female Spy (I play videogames a lot)
Hi, Andy! I don't have long to comment because today I'm going to a somewhat distant city to buy a prom dress. I probably won't be back until late, so I'll go ahead and share the following website address with you:
This website has a little information on the game "Sonic Unleashed"; mainly a few facts on story, gameplay, and development. I don't know if you trust Wikipedia or not (my school doesn't like it much), but I do happen to know the article has at least a grain of truth; I've heard other sites say it would come out on Wii, for one thing. I also thought it would interest you to notice that some say Sonic mysteriously catches a disease known as Lycanthropy (basically a disease where you either think or become an animal). If this is the case, Sonic is likely to have split personalities; but this is just speculation. That's how I came up with that "Jeckel and Hyde" idea a few comments back. You can also look up lycanthropy by clicking on it if you're interested in the details concerning myths and stuff.
I gotta run, later dude!
Female Spy
Good evening, Andy! I've a couple more ideas for you:
1. It's Mother's Day, so you could have a Sonic character's mother call him or something. It's an easy topic to make hilarious, cute, or sweet.
2. You could have a prom comic (I have prom on the brain lately); maybe the girls can try to ask out while the guys flee in terror or something.
So, those are my newest ideas. I know it's not much, so I have a bonus for you: you make us laugh, so allow me to repay the favor by giving you this website address:
There's this guy many know as Aoi, who also has a good sense of humor. He does Sonic-themed comics that you'd probably enjoy. Sadly, this is all you'll be able to read of his work, unless you can read Japanese characters (he has a homepage Team Artail can refer you to if you do; the site I spoke of has some of his works translated for the public). Still, I recommend you check out the address I gave you; if you do, don't leave without reading his "Found what you are looking for?" and "Keep out of Flames" comics.
Have fun!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! I'm not only half through with my finals, but I also have two new pairs of tennis shoes! Still, I think the M in Monday stands for menacing morning (it ended such a nice weekend!). Anyway, I have to wear tennis shoes with my prom dress because I have big feet and can't wear the pretty but baby-sized women shoes. X( Oh well, at least I found some pretty tennis shoes. I tell you this tale because you could probably use this big feet idea for a character in one of your comics. By the way, how are you doing? You haven't done anything in a little over a week; I'm not rushing you or anything, I'm just curious at what busyness you encountered. Don't push yourself too hard and get sick or anything, okay? Oh, and don't even think about trying to close the website again (not that I'm implying you are) or else I'll break a Guinness World Record for the longest comment ever, making your website famous and where you can't get rid of it! *looks back at other mile-long comments* Err, that is, if I haven't done that already.
May I share a small history lesson about me and your site? Incase you were ever curious, I've been a fan of yours about a touch before you moved your old comics to the new website. To give you a better idea, I was here back when you decided to use your blogs only for the comics (kind of a shame, really, you had some good points about the games you reviewed, like about Marine and Captain Whisker; and you were still funny to boot). I never bothered to check out commenting before about a week ago, because I feared it required personal information (e-mail address, username, etc.) but I got curious one day, decided to check it out, and learned that I could do it "anonymously" and I'm pleased that I can comment that way. You see, I have an overprotective relative at home (*cough*mother*cough*) and she would have never allowed me to do this if it required such information. This is also the reason for my pen name, "Female Spy"; I lurk around sites that entertain me, giving my personal info to no one. In a way, the anonymous thing suits me, because spies never share their information, right? ;) So, that's my history with the site. I hope I didn't say anything that crept you out, but just remember: I have an explanation for almost everything, if you need it. Of course, it may be several paragraphs long. XD If you ever want to use your blog for items other than comics and occasional news flashes again, I want you to know that I will support you 100%, okay? =) Just whatever you do, don't take the anonymous thing off; or you will lose contact with me as a commenter (*cough*mother*cough*). That's it for today, this history lesson is just an FYI for you incase you wanted to know.
ASC Rules!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! Check out this image at the following website:
This relates to "Sonic Unleashed" and is part of a news article. It's a gorgeous image, isn't it? You can read the article too (if you haven't already), but I should admonish that it's criticizing the game before it's even out. What's wrong with people these days? Yes, Sonic turning into a werewolf is an unorthodox idea; but if you look back at history, all of our greatest inventions start out with simple, unorthodox ideas. For those who need an example, Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by flying a kite during a storm (you think nobody laughed at him?), an unorthodox idea which eventually led to Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb; an invention virtually everyone uses today. Oh, but I digress; if you do read the article, however, you'll notice an interesting tidbit foreshadowing the appearance of a new character. Unfortunately, people are so cold to the idea of a new character that he/she will probably end up in the "forgotten characters bin" (like Mighty, Bark, Bean, and currently Marine). Again, all I have to say is don't judge before you play the game and know the character. Well, that's the latest Sonic news; there are other articles on the mentioned site if you're interested.
Later, dude!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! I finished the last of my finals today, which marks the start of my summer vacation... YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*causes an avalanche* If I seem to be out early it's because I go to a private school; it has sooner and longer breaks, but the work is harder. Finally! No more papers that are so long they could pass as novels, no more all night studying, no more homework, no more reading stuff that I don't want to read, no more grades or due dates, etcetera! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! *causes an earthquake* YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! *causes a volcano to erupt*
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *causes a huge tsunami that floods the entire planet*
Ahem... Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. No offense to teachers (some are very nice and reasonable; for those who are, I thank you on my behalf), and I'm not trying to rub it in for those who aren't out yet (be excited, because your time is soon!). In other news, check out this website address featuring "Sonic Chronicles":
It has another awesome image, and the news explains it slightly more in depth. According to the article, these people have played a rough demo as well (where they get these demos I only wish I knew) and comment about the game in slightly more specific detail. Does anyone else think that the main image with Tails looks like something out of a well-designed comic book? Okay, that's it for me today.
I'll be back later with something else!
Female Spy
Happy 15th comment, Andy!
Hi, Andy! How's it going? I don't have as much to say today. My prom is tonight, which is exciting. Well, regardless of my lack of words, I do have some cool sites for you. Do you like pokemon? Since you used them in one of your comic ideas (poor "Caty" LOL!), I thought you may have at least a little interest in them. If you have a Nintendo DS, you probably even played "Pokemon Diamond" and "Pokemon Pearl" (a couple of the best pokemon games out there). So why am I talking about pokemon? Well, rumor has it that a "Pokemon Platinum" is in the making. I heard the rumor at the following website:
*Note: when typing in the address, don't forget to add the "s" to psypoke; you'll get a different website if you don't.
Anyway, they claim some magazine called "Coro Coro" leaked this information. If you are interested in pokemon, this is a great website for the latest information; their information is also highly accurate, and they normally update it once a week.
Now it's time for your next "bonus" website! You make us laugh, so I want to repay the favor. This website has another Sonic-themed comic you may enjoy:
Now, the comic starts off slow, and it has a few fan characters; but the characters are introduced well, and the story picks up. It's a little unorthodox, but I think it's also hilarious; and it even updates daily. That's all for now.
Later, dude!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! How are you doing? I don't have too long to comment; I have a busy day ahead of me. Prom went really well; and, as a bonus, I got to see the "Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" for free! Three words describe that movie: intense, creepy, gorgeous; you should see it. Now all I have to do is find graduation presents and give some friends who are graduating a good send off at the ceremony TODAY! It must be exciting to go off to college... I'm Sorry I don't have any websites for you, so I'll just have to come up with an idea... *thinks for awhile*...I got it! Do one with Shadow in a tutu teaching Eggman (who you should also put in a tutu) ballet! You could also do Cream teaching Shadow ballet (if she still isn't upset about the theft of her Polly Pocket scooter; LOL!). Okay, that's all I have for today.
I'll be baaaaack!
Female Spy
Hi, Andy! Are you doing okay? I hope to hear from you with a new comic or two pretty soon. Don't start worrying me about your health, okay? I'm in a bit of an idea slump, but I think I found an interesting webpage for you. IGN interviewed the "Sonic Chronicles" game producer, Mark Darrah, about some of the game's content. It doesn't say much more than what may already be known, but this interview does come with a couple of interesting images. Just go to this website:
*This is only half of the interview; to see the rest, hit the "next" button at the bottom to read the last half, plus two more images.
That's it for now, take care!
Female Spy
Crickey, you know how to comment female spy!
Very busy at the moment but I have read ALL the above comments and thank you very much. New comic drawn, scanned and ready to go but how busy am i, that i cant find 10 minutes to get it online. Will attempt tonight! Must dash!
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