Friday, 20 April 2007

Comic #10

I thought i would save this very brand new comic a few days but here it is, whatever.
Im using teh computer textz now! Not my crappy handwriting...this feels a bit like "selling out" as the main point of my comics used to be that it was all done with pen on paper but i dont care cause to sell out, you have to be making something resembling money.
This comic is actually based on something i read at the TSS forums, if you recognise this comic as something you have said then heres a comic for you. Your name might be Marco.
This comic is brilliant.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic comic! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Black Doom is so inconsistent. I remember that part of the game. Very funny comic.

Anonymous said...

real funny good job

Anonymous said...

nice one they should make sth with a story line that makes sense how thehellcan cream wonder into a castle and get stuck in a wall????

Anonymous said...

Funny! It reminds me of da Shadow Show on newgrounds...