This is the archive for ASC series 1! Find brand new comics at http://supersonikku.deviantart.com/
This is the archive for ASC series 1! Find brand new comics at http://supersonikku.deviantart.com/
at 12:51 28 comments
ASC has been running for a long time, years and years in fact. I started with a rubbish little website with the first 5 of so comics on there and i was pretty pleased with it. The first comics were done in lectures all starting with the "spinning in the rain" image. Its been a bit of a rollercoaster since then! If you can be bothered reading on, theres a history lesson ahead.
Proud of my 5 stupid little comic and rubbish website i started emailing about to try and get affiliated. I took a gamble and sent one to the guys at somiccomic.com. They were back within the day saying how they enjoyed the comics but needed a better website, they would certainly affiliate with me. Im not sure if those guys check here anymore, they might have moved on a long time ago. (Hello Zack if you are reading, I might zap you a facebook message). I re-designed the website and it was actually pretty cool. There was a lot there, considering the actual amount of content i had to provide! With my new affiliation and a "big up" on the front news page of soniccomic.com ( which was technically my first appearance on google! sort of) came a couple more affiliates and i was getting a few dozen hits a day which was quite frankly amazing! When i set up originally i didnt think anyone would actually visit the website. I plodded on with this, a steady stream of comics filtering out and a steady stream of hits. Google listed the website which was a happy day and the amount of "questions for sonic" was great ( thats a special comic from series 1 if you dont know) I still get the questions and received one about a week ago, that was a lot of fun and i wish i had the time to get them all up there with answers but its all gone a bit pear shaped. Thank you to anyone who has ever submitted a "question to sonic" You have provided me with more amusement than you probably know. I would answer questions as a dim-witted sonic as a permanant position of employment if i could.
One day a website called "Sonic Basement" emailed me saying they would sponsor my comics, i accepted and for a link to their website they had a damn good link to mine. Hits sky-rocketed up to over 60 uniques a day which was phenominal. Good comics done in this time, a happy time! Thanks everyone who sent an "Elkian Lionblood is a whiny bitch" comment. That was a highlight of this whole thing for me. This period of lots of hits, lots of comics and lots of fans went on for a long time! Didnt last though..
After this i got worse with updates, i did some travelling and generally had less time to spend, i decided to make the website into a blog which would be easier to update. The blog was used for comics and for, what i considered, a witty look at current sonic related news. Didnt go down a storm and i got a lot of moaning and complaining about my "negative" view of what was happening with the sonic franchise. I quickly got sick of this and removed all posts that werent comic related from the blog. This seemed to open a window for moaning and people got whiny about the comics themselves! I havent checked the ammount of hits to the site in years but pretyt much assumed they were at an all time low. Deflated, the comic output rate was at an all-time low despite the comics themselves being (in my opinion) at an all time high. Art wise and humor wise.
Since then i have trickled out comics to this blog, at the same time posting them on deviantart. The popularity on deviantart appeared to be so much greater than here on the blog i have decided to completely re-locate to deviantart.
I might be way off the mark and i might still get hits here, but if thats the case then you lot certainly are quiet! Thats where ASC is going though. Its been a hell of a time and I'm sad to be giving in the website but right now, the amount of effort it takes to upload here is a incredible compared to the simplicty of deviantart.
So thats the end, this blog will fade away and soniccomic.co.uk will probably point to the deviantart page. ( which, by the way should have comic 14 tommorow!)
Its been a pleasure.
Special thanks to all my affiliates, the fans and the non-fans for giving me something to complain about.
See you on deviantart. http://supersonikku.deviantart.com/
at 11:37 3 comments
Stalling while i decide on a new comic idea, heres a snapshot of ASC's standing among everything at this moment of time, heres what happens when you type Another Sonic Comic into google! ( click it to make it bigger and readable) I suppose hit 1 out of 175'000 hits is alright but....
I suppose its also worth noting that just Sonic Comic gets the site in position 6 and in position 9 is that guys comment slagging off the comic again!! Typical.
Thanks for the all the commenting "Female-spy", I appreciate it! There actually was a comic of "mario and sonic at the olympics" in which Sonic and Tails discovered some drawings Shadow had made of him on the podium with Luigi then shopping for Olympic outfits with Peach. It was good but i buggered up the outlining by using a pen that was too thick, got annoyed and binned it.
at 10:54 18 comments
Cheered up a bit and see'ing as there are a good 3 people here who still enjoy reading the comics ( just like old times!!!), I will try and draw/get one up today! I say "try" because the weather is meant to be turning out brilliant today so Im not going to be larking about inside if the sun's out! Keep visiting the site, be you Lord Ryu, Miss Spy, Taylor Hedgie ( didnt you used to be an affiliate back when i did that?), or anyone else who visits- likes it here but wants to stay hushed.
at 02:27 4 comments
"The GeoCities web site you were trying to view has temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit"
You will get that if you try and view the old comics, bloody hell! I'll fix it soon...
at 14:20 1 comments
Hello there,
Sorry for the lack of comics and updates and everything, to be honest im a bit fed up with the sonic "fandom" at the moment. I think the majority of it should be ashamed of themselves, ive never known such a group of so-called fans to be such a bunch of moaners and complainers.
Im sure you lot arent like that though, only the best sonic fans come to ASC, amiright!?
Interesting comment on the previous post:
"Dude, you need a better title than "ANOTHER SONIC COMIC." Also, keep doing more stuff in color and work on your linework. It'll show up a few years down the road."
Mr Anonymous, Lord Ryu is dead right, i suggest you check out "viewer mail 1" and please give me your full name, email and home address.
I dont think you quite understand what "another sonic comic" is about, im not an artist and i have no intentions on improving my drawing.
Everyones a critic these days..
at 14:08 3 comments
2 in one day! Not bad going! I always intend on writing a good chunk of wisdom and wit to go with my comic posts but by the time i get them on the internet im ready to keel over from work and just want to be done. Yes. It IS work.
Especially now ive started putting them on deviantart too...croyst.
at 07:18 8 comments
Labels: comics
This one has been knocking around for AGES but i just never got round to scanning it. its a one paneller but if you've played sonic the hedgehog for the xbox360 or PS3 then you will understand...unless you didnt make it through the first level and smashed the disc from frustration that is.
The links to comics 24 and 35 are fixed too, thanks 'Lord Ryu' for the info.
at 07:07 3 comments
Labels: comics
Back to it then finally, heres comic number 11!
Theres a sonic RPG coming to the DS you know, if you didnt know then WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? Here is a comic to fill you in!
As always, maximise it PLEASE, internet browsers have a nasty habit of shrinking linked files down to window size sending my comics from happy to crappy in microseconds.
at 10:59 6 comments
Labels: comics
Erm no! Infact im working on it right now. Within the next couple of days ASC will be back. I dont know if anyone still comes here apart from a loyal few, but that is why ASC is back..because there is a loyal few.
I just looked at sonics page for the first time in about a year ( see asc series 1 which is NEWLY ADDED to this page to stop you having to go to the old site) and Im cracking up, i hate bigging up my own work but if it never gets a nomination for "best thing on the internet" then i'll be angry. If you have the same sense of humour as me you should check it out if you havent already!
P.S. Those who responded to comic 28 of series 1 and wondering if they were alone, you werent, we got loads! Well done folks.
**20th December EDIT**
A couple of days? uuuhh maybe not! Give me a few more!
at 08:00 1 comments
I came remarkably close to closing the website. ASC = Dead.
Ive changed my mind though, I'll get around to fixing this up and adding those new comics are soon as i can.
Why the change of mind? Some genuinely nice comments and feedback, thanks very much!
at 05:50 8 comments
I thought i would save this very brand new comic a few days but here it is, whatever.
Im using teh computer textz now! Not my crappy handwriting...this feels a bit like "selling out" as the main point of my comics used to be that it was all done with pen on paper but i dont care cause to sell out, you have to be making something resembling money.
This comic is actually based on something i read at the TSS forums, if you recognise this comic as something you have said then heres a comic for you. Your name might be Marco.
This comic is brilliant.
at 14:23 5 comments
Labels: comics
Seriously! some of you may have seen 4 of these leaking into series 1 in the old archive but the other 5 are most definately new. This marks the start of series 2 anyway and also a big "Im sorry i havent updated in over half a year"
You can see them by clicking the links at the right hand side of the page, they are the ones numbered 1 to 9 clearly.
I mean, these comics are so awesome that each of them actually deserves its own post but that would be wasting my time AND yours and that wont do. Read em, tell your friends about em and make me popular, kthxbye.
Also, i had to go into the top bit of the dusty old garage where spiders live to get the scanner today, so be extra pleased with me.
at 14:19 5 comments
Labels: comics