Saturday, 26 April 2008

Nearly Summer! Sort of.

Cheered up a bit and see'ing as there are a good 3 people here who still enjoy reading the comics ( just like old times!!!), I will try and draw/get one up today! I say "try" because the weather is meant to be turning out brilliant today so Im not going to be larking about inside if the sun's out! Keep visiting the site, be you Lord Ryu, Miss Spy, Taylor Hedgie ( didnt you used to be an affiliate back when i did that?), or anyone else who visits- likes it here but wants to stay hushed.

Friday, 18 April 2008

"The GeoCities web site you were trying to view has temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit"

You will get that if you try and view the old comics, bloody hell! I'll fix it soon...

Hello there,
Sorry for the lack of comics and updates and everything, to be honest im a bit fed up with the sonic "fandom" at the moment. I think the majority of it should be ashamed of themselves, ive never known such a group of so-called fans to be such a bunch of moaners and complainers.
Im sure you lot arent like that though, only the best sonic fans come to ASC, amiright!?

Interesting comment on the previous post:
"Dude, you need a better title than "ANOTHER SONIC COMIC." Also, keep doing more stuff in color and work on your linework. It'll show up a few years down the road."

Mr Anonymous, Lord Ryu is dead right, i suggest you check out "viewer mail 1" and please give me your full name, email and home address.
I dont think you quite understand what "another sonic comic" is about, im not an artist and i have no intentions on improving my drawing.
Everyones a critic these days..