Friday, 20 April 2007

Comic #10

I thought i would save this very brand new comic a few days but here it is, whatever.
Im using teh computer textz now! Not my crappy handwriting...this feels a bit like "selling out" as the main point of my comics used to be that it was all done with pen on paper but i dont care cause to sell out, you have to be making something resembling money.
This comic is actually based on something i read at the TSS forums, if you recognise this comic as something you have said then heres a comic for you. Your name might be Marco.
This comic is brilliant.

9 new comics? seriously?

Seriously! some of you may have seen 4 of these leaking into series 1 in the old archive but the other 5 are most definately new. This marks the start of series 2 anyway and also a big "Im sorry i havent updated in over half a year"
You can see them by clicking the links at the right hand side of the page, they are the ones numbered 1 to 9 clearly.
I mean, these comics are so awesome that each of them actually deserves its own post but that would be wasting my time AND yours and that wont do. Read em, tell your friends about em and make me popular, kthxbye.

Also, i had to go into the top bit of the dusty old garage where spiders live to get the scanner today, so be extra pleased with me.